How do our auctions work?
We auction off the shit of certain members of society from time to time.
World's largest fecal matter! We are selling Nick Avocado's fecal matter!
Price: $7,440 per kilogram
This man's fecal matter is sure to haunt your dreams!
Limited time only as he is loosing weight and will no longer deliver elephant size droppings!
World's smallest fecal matter! That Vegan Teacher's fecal matter for sale now!
Price: $423,400 per kilogram
Guaranteed to smell like carrots and other vegetable.
The smallest fecal matter artifacts we have ever collected have come from the Vegan Doughnut (almost looks like it came from a skeleton!)
Unfortunately, price is very high because of very low production rate of this fecal matter. This shit is small but you must have a big wallet!
Kim Kardashian's fecal matter for sale now!
Price: $2 per kilogram
Made of plastic so super cheap.
Not environmentally friendly, we can't store it with the other fecal matter to avoid plastic contamination, so we want to get rid of it.
You can build with it like legos cause its plastic.