Frequently asked questions and answers

Q: What is our net worth?

A: $4,239,240,530,394,002 (about 4 quadrillion USD).

Q: Do we manage ALL the world's fecal matter? Like every gram?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you sanitize the facilities?

A: No. At the FMCC, we believe fecal matter should have the freedom to do whatever it wants to do.

Q: Do you ever have free fecal matter giveaways?

A: Sometimes, for example we have one rn! Click here to go to the giveaway.

Q: Why do we organize and store the world's fecal substances?

A: Money, and if we didn't, the planet would get covered in fecal matter everywhere as there would be nothing to control it. It may or may not be our final task to cover the whole planet in fecal matter :)

Q: Do we know who has produced every single gram of fecal matter in our possession?

A: Yes. We keep a detailed and sorted archive of all the shit we are in possession of. We know who every gram came from.